Environmentalists: Let’s get passionate! See links on left.

But Let’s Rethink some things. See posts on right.

Important links

Rainforest Trust

A bold plan: to purchase and protect threatened rainforests and save endangered wildlife through community engagement and local partnerships.

Global Witness

Global Witness campaigns to end environmental and human rights abuses driven by the exploitation of natural resources and corruption in the global political and economic system.

American Bird Conservancy

The only organization with a single and steadfast commitment to achieving conservation results for birds and their habitats throughout the Americas.

Skagit Land Trust

Conserving wildlife habitat, agricultural and forest lands, scenic open space, wetlands, and shorelines for the benefit of our community and as a legacy for future generations.

Bat Conservation International

BCI is dedicated to the enduring protection of the world’s 1300+ species of bats and their habitats and creating a world in which bats and humans successfully coexist.

  • Posted from Seattle, WA July 1 2021 It is depressing to GreenReboot to see how popular and wished-for an infrastructure bill appears to be among many sectors of the American public. The need for infrastructure spending is backed up by a few statistics and usually...

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The GreenReboot Declaration of independence from mainstream environmental thinking

The word light means at least two things in the English language.  One meaning involves rays from the sun, perhaps, or from a fire or a bulb or even new information that illuminates and is thus said to shed “light” on a problem. Another totally different meaning is low in mass, or not heavy; i.e., “That suitcase is light.”

Similarly, this website is adopting–or perhaps inventing or perhaps commandeering–a ‘word,’ GreenReboot, that is also intended to have two different meanings.


Meaning No. 1

The first meaning of GreenReboot references our lives and the decisions we make and the way we think. This website wants us all, including GreenReboot’s own authors, to redouble our efforts and our passion for making our own lives greener and more environmentally-friendly and to step up our support for people who have figured out ways of doing this in an organized fashion.


Meaning No. 2

The second meaning involves a different ask of the website visitor. It is directed mostly toward the environmental movement and environmental activists but actually to anyone who has ever had even a passing concern for the environment. We’re asking us all to do a ‘GreenReboot!’ That is reexamine all the basic attitudes and political positions we tend to take for granted and routinely label as Green.  In the opinion of this website…

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Fledgling Launch

While not strictly "under construction" GreenReboot is in its fledgling state. Articles will evolve as we stretch our wings.

Rethink Some Things